The Ensofic Ray™ is the highest, brightest and most powerful ray of energy. It has the qualities of purity, clarity, and focused concentration. This ray has the power to clear and heal negative thoughts and patterns. It is the 1st ray of creation; it is pure, straight to the point and penetrates right to the core to activate the codes of divinity within you.
In this modality the breath of God is used to awaken the ‘I am’ presence within you helping you feel more connected to the oneness of all that is. This healing modality is a process of re-orienting body, soul, and spirit to each other for absolute alignment: first, by destroying imbalanced physical, mental, and emotional patterns that prevent our highest potential; second, by sealing our physical vessels (our bodies) to contain this highest vibration; and third, by harmonizing our structures (mental, emotional, and physical) so that we can create a full LIFE resolved of conflict.
This is a great modality for those lacking passion for life, lacking desire, feeling like they are off track from their potential and purpose, stuck in a rut – it awakens the desire to love and manifest that limitless light here in the physical. Space is very specially prepared. A virtual temple is created as the world of spirit is called in.
Here are some of the amazing benefits of the Ensofic Ray™ Healing:
- Heightens vibration of the body, allowing you to release lower energies that cause illness
- Realigns your physical body and soul with your purpose and potential
- Increases consciousness of spiritual energies helping you to connect to your divine potential
- Restores internal unity and heals the rift of separation both within and without
- Gently and powerfully releases old wounds and suffering held within your being
- Assists you in managing your life with clarity, wisdom and grace
The healing is done in three 1hr sessions.
The 3 session protocol is £400. Each We highly recommend you have the 3 sessions 7 days apart for the best results.
£175 per session
**Please note that this is a baseline price based on an international index. Individual practitioners may charge more for this service.
Do you want to become an Ensofic Ray™ Practitioner and be able to give the gift of this ray to you, your family and clients every day? Click here to find out more.