The Life Activation is a process with a long track record – quite remarkably this process is over 3000 years old and has been unchanged over time. It comes from a long lineage of sages who have time-tested this modality in cultures and traditions across the planet.
It has not always been available to the average person because it sparks a process of transformation in individuals, that prior to the last few decades, many humans were not ready to embrace.
But today, many of us have turned into seekers. There is a prevailing feeling ‘that there is more’ – more to us as individuals and more to life. It is almost as if we are being cornered by the experiences of life, and being drawn into a process of questioning and seeking. And many of us are willing now to explore and try new things and explore new possibilities.
And so the Life Activation, an age old, time-tested modality is something for us to embrace and experience so we too can move forward and explore our potential more fully.
Where did this come from?
There was a common thread amongst a large group of Sages who came together over 3000 years ago in a meeting – or what we would call a conference – lasting a few decades, that there was more to the human blueprint that was not being accessed and utilized. In this meeting, many tools and methods to awaken the dormant potential in humans were shared and tested amongst these sages. The testing even included burying people alive, which thankfully was not a foolproof method of jumpstarting human capabilities! Only one process was found to be universally successful for the various cultures and tribes in awakening the inactive aspects of the human blueprint. The leader of this conference was King Salomon who was a seeker, deeply committed to leaving a legacy for humans to find themselves and achieve their potential. Much of this information remained in sacred storage with key holders who were waiting for this exact time on the planet, the time of great upheaval leading to a massive societal re-calibration and the time of mass discovery of human potential.
How does the Life Activation work?
The process takes place in a sacred space where a practitioner uses the tools that have been time-tested to awaken the unrealized human blueprint that is stored in the structure of humans. It is a 1.5-2 hour one-on-one session. The process is honouring, supportive and relaxing and is a gift to yourself as much as a day in the spa would be!
What can you expect after the process?
The process sparks a unique journey in your life, moving you efficiently through a series of experiences that facilitate change and transformation. As such the process for each individual is unique.
It works powerfully for individuals who are already on their life path or for those who are seeking to find a life path as it opens potential beyond the 10% brain capacity we currently have available. So whether you have achieved success in life or are struggling in life, it moves people forward in a positive and constructive way.
It plugs you back into 90% of your original Divine Blueprint and activates the dormant blueprint (or what we call today the DNA) and cleans out patterns and debris that have been inherited from your ancestors, hindering your life. (The last 10% of the original Divine Blueprint is activated in another process called The Adam Kadmon Activation.)
The process may be likened to a tile game where you move many pieces around on the board in a seeming disorder but at the end everything is reformulated into a perfect pattern. The process is also reminiscent of the geometries and designs in the Universe that seem to collide in an irrational pattern but yet formulate into a perfect form. This process is constructive and positive and moves you through your obstacles using what we call a ‘God logic,’ where previously your own human logic may have failed you in making progress.
The Life Activation can be described as a light shining into a dark corner. It makes visible what was hidden in the shadows, but more than that, it gives you the ability to work through what you see. This is an empowering experience!
As the dormant DNA and parts of the blueprint start to awaken, two things happen: parts of you that are not operating at all, or are under-performing, start to awaken or expand AND belief systems, negative emotions, viral patterns, disease patterns that have been repeated (what I think of as ‘photocopies’ in the DNA) and that you have inherited, start to get cleared and cleaned out. The cleaning out process is supported by a Spagyric formula we call Purificato & Crystalis that raises the vibratory frequency of the human energy system and is designed to smooth the journey of transitions in these dynamic times.
As the dormant DNA gets switched on, there is a source of energy inside the DNA, what you might call the God Principle, which ‘lights people up’ and shifts them into a positive, joyful space. This activation does not only give you access to dormant potential but plugs humans into the circuitory system connecting us to God. This modality therefore physically hooks up humans to a greater consciousness and the Divinity within.
Imagine a channel that connects you to Divine energy that can be blocked much like an obstructed plumbing pipe. When you do not have access to Divine energy because of these blockages, it is hard to move past things that stop you in life – you simply do not have access to the ‘flashes of inspiration’ and Divine inspiration to solve situations. This process dissolves these blockages and makes it possible to move forward, find new possibilities and discover what is possible in life.

What are some of the benefits?
These are some of the benefits that you would see:
- Acceleration in Your Life You begin to move through life with increased speed. The Life Activation assists in growth and learning, and gives you access to the roadmap inside you.
- Personal Breakthroughs You can begin to shift those things that hinder you from growth and success in life, assisting you to break old, unhealthy patterns.
- Strengthening of Relationships The Life Activation helps you to connect to others in a positive and beneficial way and enables the creation of honest and healthy relationships.
- Experiencing Abundance All the resources we could ever want or need are available to use right here, right now. The Life Activation helps you to access that flow in life that contains the true source of abundance.
- Health Improvement It strengthens your immune system and helps you push through not only emotional and mental blocks, but physical ones as well.
- Expanding Your Ability To Shine The Life Activation literally infuses your body with pure Light! Having this most precious resource inside of you allows you to spread hope, joy, peace, and love to everyone with whom you interact. This truly inspires you to go further and reach as high as you dare.
The benefits from this powerful and truly transformative healing modality are countless. It is the foundational first step in the toolboxes offered by the Modern Mystery School.
Some further benefits include:
- Relief from anxiety and stress
- Greater physical energy and mental acuity
- Increased emotional stability
- Brings joy into your life
- Lightens depression & sadness
- Increases brain function and thought clarity
- Clears 3-5 generations of genetic & ancestral debris in the DNA
The Life Activation is offered by Certified Life Activation Practitioners throughout world, who re-certify annually with The Modern Mystery School to ensure that this time-tested modality retains integrity. This modality has been safeguarded within one of the Mystery Schools that has a lineage of over 3000 years and is called today The Modern Mystery School. We invite you to give yourself the gift of this modality!