Lineage is a key factor in determining the legitimacy, integrity and authority that a true Mystery School holds.
The lineage of the Modern Mystery School dates back to the times of King Salomon and has therefore, over 3,000 years of history and lineage. While the mystery school tradition is much older than that, the lineage of the MMS and its teachings can be verified and traced back to the teachings of King Salomon himself.
Lineage, means a lineal descent from an ancestor, ancestry or pedigree. The Modern Mystery School’s derivation is from an ancient tradition of sharing of knowledge from teacher to student, affirmed by the holy process of initiation.
The lineal and direct transfer of information in this fashion has preserved the virtue and honour of the mystery school tradition, which has held the secrets of God and the universe and keys to true spiritual power since the beginning of time. This wisdom and power is available to anyone who seeks it and is willing to honour it’s sacred nature by walking the Path of Initiation.
Initiation in combination with the unbroken lineage empowers the Adept to engage in the Great Work: creating a better world and living in alignment with their true potential and life purpose. The great masters have all walked upon the path of initiation in the mystery school tradition, which has enabled them to fulfill their promise to God while being here on this earth.
In the Modern Mystery School, the integrity of our lineage is of utmost importance and preserved through many methods, including:
- Initiation into Adepthood (first initiation) as well as the various stages of progression, paths and certification
- Annual Professional Developement for Certified MMS Life Activation Practitioners, Healers, Teachers & Guides to uphold the quality in healing modalities and services provided
- Apprenticeship training for Guides, Master Teachers, International Instructors and Program Leaders to ensure teachers of any subject are in full alignment with teachings and can offer the highest quality of energy
- On-going training: Initiates of varying degrees —Adepts, Life Activation Practitioners, Guides, Ritual Masters, International Instructors — are invited several times a year to ongoing training to expand their proficiency and expertise.
Being a part of the Modern Mystery School lineage is also being a part of a family. The MMS is a global tribe of brothers and sisters who are dedicated to the empowerment and betterment of humanity through spirituality and service to all.
Lineage Holders
All lineages have main key holders, individuals who hold and anchor the lineage on the planet and hold the authority to keep the door of the mystery school open to those who seek the Light.
Founder Gudni “Frater Ged” Gudnason

Founder of The Modern Mystery School
Born as Gudni Halldor Gudnason von Thoroddsen in northern ‘Viking lands’ of Iceland in a direct lineage of the War God Thor from the Eagle Vale Clan of Western Iceland where Yggdrasil is, and where Odin hung on the tree for nine days and nights. Initiated into the lineage of King Salomon in the early 1970s, given priesthood powers from High Priest Melchizedek, Initiated into the Mysteries in the Great Pyramid of Giza in an overnight ceremony. Guardian of the secret of the Holy Grail, Initiated Celtic Medicine Man, Viking Shaman, Druid Priest, Templar Knight, and Egyptian High Priest of Isis authorized to do the work by the HIERARCHY OF LIGHT in all manner with the highest powers given to a human.
You are an eternal being. You have never been born, therefore you can never die. Founder Gudni Gudnason

Ipsissimus Gudni is the Founder of the Modern Mystery School & is the one who brought this Lineage out of the realm of the secret when in 1997 he was allowed to open the school to the public. He is called Founder Gudni to honor that event and his efforts to bring these ancient profound teachings to the world, teachings that assist people in feeling inner peace, that in time will lead to World Peace.
Starting his mission in his youth, Modern Mystery School Founder Gudni Gudnason has travelled the world, inspiring hundreds of thousands of individuals to awaken to the possibility of World Peace. With the Initiates he shares deep Hermetic and Esoteric teachings, the practice of true Alchemy and Kabbalah, and the mastery of Salomonic and Enochian magick, among many others of the secret deeper mysteries.
He always promotes living a life of pure magick, embracing the royalty of the divine self within and finding JOY in life. Ipsissimus Gudni puts this power into practice by not only being a great teacher and reminder to many, but also creating art, writing poetry, making music, producing movies and enjoying living life to the fullest.
Ipsissimus Dave THOR Lanyon

Ipsissimus Dave THOR Lanyon has been the driving force behind the explosive growth of The Mystery School since he joined the Lineage in 2004. We have seen the school expand from 12 countries to 55 with his efforts. Dave has dedicated his life to serving the world by teaching, healing and helping people from all walks of life to Know Thyself. He is an expert at identifying what is blocking a person and at navigating them to high frequencies and deeper understandings.
Every moment of time we are given the choice between light and dark, positive and negative, good and evil. A Warrior of Light learns to be wise enough to distinguish the difference and recognizing the choice, they choose Light, even though it is often the harder of the two. Our ultimate weapon is Love, our shield is Peace, our fuel is Passion and our goal is Joy. Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon
Ipsissimus Hideto REI Nakagome

Ipsissimus Hideto REI Nakagome has been instrumental behind the growth of the Mystery School since he joined the lineage in the year 2000. He immediately saw the importance of the mission of World Peace and fully supported this undertaking right away. He has worked passionately ever since.
It is easy to be calm when you are meditating. It is easy to visualize when you meditate sitting still. It is easy to think positive while in a temple. Can you be calm, positive and have clear vision while you are moving through life? The universal life force has to controlled both inside and outside of you; with this you can have full control over your inner and outer universe. Ipsissimus Hideto Nakagome

He comes from a pure Japanese Bushi or Samurai family, and accesses that amazing power in his work within the Modern Mystery School. When teaching he does so with humor and fun so that the students relax and enjoy their study. While Ipsissimus Hideto lived as a businessman in the USA for many years, he learned about other cultures, their ways and traditions, fostering his love for all of humanity. He has travelled extensively around the world to learn about people and how to serve them in the best way. He is Initiated as Priest of Mikkyo Esoteric Buddhism, Viking Shaman, Celtic Shaman, Knight Templar, Egyptian Shaman & more.
As a master healer and head instructor of the Ensofic Ray Institute, he brings to the people an awareness of the beauty and good within themselves, in order to inspire the deepest healing and empowerment that they can achieve.