Sacred Geometry Series
Sacred Geometry I
By studying the divine geometric patterns, one learns to open themselves to deeper understandings and universal wisdom. In this course, the 3 sacred shapes of creation will be activated with your energy field, increase your vibration and connection to spirit. You will learn how to use these sacred shapes to create a temple space in your home and empower your energy field.

Sacred Geometry II
Exploring the sacred geometries further, we will go deep into the mysteries of crystals and how we can enhance our homes with four powerful geometric forms.
These teachings come directly from the ancient MU Text – the ancient methods of calling in unseen forces are many. In this class we will explore one of these. You will learn how to call in energies that will establish a good home and a better life.
Sacred Geometry III
Sacred Geometry 3 focuses on healing and balancing the energies within the 7 layers of the aura and the sacredness of the human body; a practice that you can do for yourself as well as a service for others. This unique healing modality calls upon the power of the ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses and their knowledge of the dimensions and ratios of the physical and energetic bodies of human.
In this class, you will receive:
Handing down of a powerful healing that affects the mind, body, soul, emotional and astral levels of the self
Another way of creating abundance from Lightwork and helping others heal
A method of self-care and personal healing
A greater sense of empowerment and strength
More vitality and energy for your daily life!

Sacred Geometry IV
Reserved for Modern Mystery School initiates only, Sacred Geometry 4 reveals the secrets to sacred spaces and empowers you to be able to create them. Through the teachings of the Sacred Geometries we learn that we have the power to bridge the spiritual and the physical by activating our homes and workspaces as our holy sanctuaries. By employing and activating these temples, you will strengthen virtually every aspect of your life.
Sacred Geometry V
In this program you are handed down a powerful healing modality that re-calibrates the whole magnetic structure of a person, while activating the Fire Souls – Spirit in the body. This is what is referred to in the Vedas as the first step of the Kundalini Awakening. Receiving this infusion is another huge step in the activation of awareness of our true divine nature.

Sacred Geometry VI
In this workshop you are handed down the Core Will Infusion> The will of the higher self always desires good, however at times we are not always in alignment with that Will. By clearing and cleaning up the etheric structure, you become more balanced between the Will of God, Will of the Universe & Nature and the Will of Humans. This creates immense clarity of life and purpose, and opens up the mind to allow the self to be affected by the true Will of God. This modality enhances the connection with the spiritual self while having more reverence for the experience of Life.
Sacred Geometry VII
In this class you are handed down the Activation of the Archangel Michael Inner Stellar Light Tube. This modality activates the Buddhic Body, which is deeply connected to the 7 chakras. By opening up the chakras fully, enlightenment can be attained for a brief moment, and that second of clarity will last you a lifetime. Having this activation you are now ready to move into Archangel Michael’s Interstellar Light Tube. This interstellar experience allows you to access the origin of creational energy. Archangel Michael is the master architect of the labyrinth of the soul, and by entering his Light Tube, you will be commencing a process of re-creation into the highest form for yourself.