After a while, the effects of my healing wear off.

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We have so many wonderful options and healings for us to try in the world, yet many of us suffer this pattern of going ‘back’ to our old ways. I too also had this for many years. Until I found the aura clearing that a guide in the lineage of king Salomon gave to me. It cut away the old and I felt refreshed and ready for anything. She worked with my etheric energy and not just my physical body, it certainly felt different to anything I had received before, however I was still concerned that the effects would wear off.

I mentioned my concern to the guide about my falling back into my old ways and she gave a solution which I had never considered before.
To manage my own healing….
What did she mean? I  couldn’t train to be a healer ? I didn’t have time, I didn’t have a gift and really wasn’t sure that doing energy work would fit in with what I was doing.
It all seemed so far removed from my life at that time.

She talked to me for some time and eventually I decided I had nothing to lose, it would be a new experience and how would I know unless I tried ?
She trained me for just two days, that’s all it took. She showed me many ancient tools that had been handed down from master to teacher for over 3000 years, it sounded so amazing and I felt like I belonged in ‘Lord of the Rings’, my TV/film background loved the fact that my imagination was waking up, to feel the excitement that magic could be real and that I could do this for myself.
I loved finding out about the inner working of the lineage, it was so fascinating and was told how I would honour the lineage and keep it pure and how others had done that so that I too could receive these teachings.


Let's Get Started

My mind was running with ideas of a magical school and training with wizards, faeries and all sorts, my guide was wonderful in bringing me to planet earth ! LOL and how to use these tools in my everyday life, helping me in my business and my personal life. I saw how many of the world’s businesses had been created on these teachings and knew there was something very special here that I was been told.

However, that thing began to happen, in my mind .. You know? it’s that thing we do to ourselves, inside our minds. Self Sabotage I believe some people call it, we try and give every reason why it wouldn’t work and if it did why wouldn’t I already know about it and why isn’t everyone doing it.

This time was different I began to hear something else, my inner guidance, it was telling me that I hadn’t been in the right space to open my mind to this before, this was the exact moment in time and it was perfect, Of course, I wish I had of been ready before. It was funny as that self-sabotage started to come in again, and I started to think I’m not special enough to get these teachings, not me, I’m not even a healer. But luckily my guide again reassured me. For the first time, I could see what was my neg ego speaking to me through my thoughts and what was my true self. It was a revelation !

I went home and practised these tools , some days were better than others, but my anxiety began to lift – very slowly.

Funny when I look back in telling this story, my life is such different story now. 6 years later, I’m a guide in the lineage of King Salomon , I help people all over the world, healing, empowering and teaching in the Middle East, UK , USA. I also used the tools for business and created a global company now in 25 countries, I live in the UK and Bahamas, my life is fast paced, exciting and does I get anxiety ..? Well sure, sometimes, but now I have the tools to manage my own energy. Am I healer, yes I’m am, I heal myself and that is the ONLY person that can heal you, do I heal others , NO, I just facilitate their own healing.

It’s all about empowering others, to do what someone did for me and that is why that 2-day training I took many years ago .. yes you got it , is called empower thyself !

So be brave, step forward and own your own healing, find that person that will help you but ultimately you are in control, yes, ‘ you have the power, just like the nice witch told Dorothy … you had it all along !

Kate Bartram Brown


12month kick start




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