Dear Community,
As we focus on discerning the way forward , our team shares some amazing insights on our self care products.
You’re also most welcome to join us for a Chi-Do session this evening at

Self Care
Self care is so important! So many of our clients have been asking what things we use apart from the tools we have learned in Empower Thyself and other classes to keep our vibration high. So we thought it would be really fun to write about what we use and why we like them…. We hope you enjoy …

Archangel Sprays
These are very potent alchemical sprays to work with the energies of certain archangels. Depending on what you are working on/with you will want to use different frequencies and these sprays are conducive to strengthening such a vibration. For example if you want to enhance the connection to the Divine during meditation you might want to use the Metatron spray or if you are working on a more solid foundation in life you might want to use the Gabriel spray where you sleep.
Love Tanmaya

Healing Spray
Hermetic Alchemical Aura Spray
For emotional and physical healing
Use this spray to shift your state of mind & being and to raise the vibration of a room. Handed down in a 3000 year old Lineage of King Salomon.
I use this a lot to support myself, clients and family!
Love Annie

Chakra Sprays
Phenomenal sprays to support you on your work to open the flow of the energies of certain vortex fields in your energy structure, the chakras. If you want to increase the sensation of grounded and at peace in your physical body you might want to use the root chakra spray. If you are going through a tough time, perhaps a loss of a loved one or a breakup and you are struggling to open your heart you might want to try the heart chakra spray.
Love Maria

Clarity Spray
Hermetic Alchemical Aura Spray
For greater clarity of mind
Use this spray to shift your state of mind & being and to raise the vibration of a room. Handed down in a 3000 year old Lineage from King Salomon .
This is really good if you have something playing on your mind and finding it difficult to make a decision.
Love Annie

Abundance Spray
Abundance Spray is amazing , it has helped me so much with flowing abundance into my life and had an effect on my belief in receiving and giving as well . I have been using this spray for 2 months daily and still have half a bottle left , a little goes a long way .The abundance spray instantaneously uplifts my frequency. I don’t think I will stop using it . I highly recommend this product –
Love Yadiksha

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